prism yoga is not a new style of yoga by any means, it's simply a practice that has been around for thousands of years which is interpreted and implemented in a slightly unique approach. my 'style' of teaching yoga is one that surpasses just the physical asanas and goes a bit further to teach students why we do yoga, why we struggle in some poses and how that can tell a story of what's going on in our bodies and minds.
often times there is a disconnect of the body and mind and the result can manifest in many different ways from emotional to physical, subtle to overt. our bodies have all the data we need to heal ourselves we just need to tap into it and learn the language. this is how I feel prism yoga is slightly different.
my intention here is to give the readers of these journals a brief overview of how my program works and what types of things would be covered were I to be teaching a full class and/or lecture series.
why prism yoga; what does that mean. choosing prism to represent my style was based on the dispersed prism which breaks light up into its spectrum of colors. this is universally recognizable when we see a rainbow with its 7 colors. this is the 'why'... prism yoga is built on the fundamental teachings of the chakra system which also follows the 7 colors of the color spectrum. we will discuss each one of these as we go. there is a great bit of detail that goes into the teachings of the chakra system so while brevity will be a factor in these journals the information will be enough to gain some clarity for the readers.
the way i prefer to teach is 'floor to ceiling', that being said the base or root chakra will be our launch point. each chakra will be taught as an introduction leading to the basics of what can manifest in each, how to recognize it and of course a means to balance or heal that aspect of ourselves.
one last thing that needs to be mentioned is the other aspect of prism yoga that may differ from what is considered the 'norm' and that is i add the element of strength training to the practice. students often find there becomes a need to strengthen parts of the body to truly enhance ones practice. the exercises are basic in nature but relative to what are we are looking to balance. at times these things can be done in the practice itself, other times there will be a need to actually get out the weights or into the gym and start to build strength in weakened areas.
so be on the lookout for the next prism yoga journal and be ready to get a basic understanding of the first energy center in our body... the root chakra.
if you find you have questions as we go please contact me at