leaving the place of holding on and grounding we are moving into the area of fluidity and change. the sacral or second chakra is the chakra of flow. many would call this a movement energy center but personally, i prefer to think of it as the energy of flow. movement sounds structured and known. the sacral chakra is governed by water whereby making it without form but still with purpose. water takes on whatever shape it's put into and yet no part of what it is changes. it remains H2O no matter what shape it takes on.
imagine that same way of existing in our bodies. do we adapt so fluidly and without resistance that we transform with grace in all the changes of life? that is the 'goal' of balancing our second chakra. surrendering to the ever present state of change and transforming who we were into who we are. i can tell you right now, i do not always flow into the changes of my life. i tend to hold on a little longer than need be at times, particularly if i am in a fear state.
so what happens in this chakra; why do we resist the change that will only serve to better us in the long run? i find for many it tends to be fear based. fear of the unknown, fear of letting go of what we love, fear of letting go and getting lost. there are many reasons why we fear change and letting go, it is on us to discover what compels us to resist. one thing to understand ~ resisting change will cause an imbalance in this energy center so doing this discovery work is important and eventually necessary.
each of the chakras holds a masculine or feminine essence. the first chakra is masculine, this chakra, the sacral, is feminine. the feminine chakras are going to respond better to a less structured means of therapy. these feminine energies are quite powerful and can sometimes be tricky to understand. let's take a deeper look into this sacral (sacred) energy.
this energy is where our creativity is born. it is home to our sexuality, transformation, fluid movement, connecting to another, desire/passion, pleasure. i bet i can guess what some of you are thinking.... 'how could one become deficient in this'. don't forget... our biggest lesson in this chakra is letting go to transform. always keep that in mind. think of the things i mentioned living in this chakra as tools to help in letting go and resisting change. let's take a closer look at chakra number 2.
the sacral chakra is governed by the element of water, resonates to the colour orange and is quite simply the pleasure center of our lives. we do have the right to feel and experience pleasure. this energy forms from 6 months to 2 years. think about all the sensory data we are taking in at those ages. how much we enjoy watching this age in children as they explore without fear or expectation the feelings and experiences of touch, taste, sight, sound and smell. all sensory, many pleasurable, all built to teach with experiences that stay with us. we form attachments to other people outside of our immediate family and learn to express ourselves through raw feeling and emotion. meaning they put no filter on their expressions. no politeness. just true feelings.
as we discovered in our earlier teachings, each chakra has its demon. the first had fear and the second, guilt. if our sacral energy gets out of balance then guilt will bubble up. we have all heard the expression 'guilty pleasure'. you eat a piece of cake and possibly feel guilty later. think about what guilt looks like for you and start recalling some of things that trigger feelings of guilt. there is a lot going on with this one so we are going to spend a little more time understanding as best we can what's really going on in here and why.
excessive and deficient energy of the second chakra:
excess in this area can manifest in ways such as sexual addiction, highly emotional, poor boundaries for both self and others, emotional dependency and a need for constant pleasure. it can take a toll on ones emotional well being as well as our relationships with others.
deficiency in this chakra manifests as a rigid body and mindset, poor social skills, fear of sex, lack of desire and denies oneself pleasure, fears change.
these imbalances come into being when there is either a lack of pleasure and socializing for a toddler, sexual inappropriateness or a life filled with excess to the point of 'spoiling', giving the toddler a sense of expectation that his or her wants can be met when they display a certain behavior or the adults in the child's life are projecting their past onto the child, not wanting the child to want for anything. keep in mind, we are only covering brief and generalized material here. of course there are exceptions to everything but for the sake of time and format i am speaking in broad strokes that hopefully still resonates with each individual reading these journals.
in the next journal installment we will go over in more detail the manifestations of the excessive and deficient energies and not only understand better how to recognize them in ourselves but also how to begin healing them and regain our balance here.