As a nation, as a society, as an individual, we have allowed ourselves to become more reliant on outsourcing our education than turning inward to find the resonant truth. Truth can be a subjective term but only insofar as it pertains to the details of the individual. Truth to one has different details that are perceived by the individual, but the bottom line remains the same. We look inward to find what our own compass tells us. This is how intuition is developed. Each of us has an innate ability to draw on intuition for guidance and information. When we rely almost entirely on an outside source to deliver what we call ‘news’, we water down and eventually destroy our own ability to gather data by observation and common sense, i.e. intuition.
What is ‘common sense’? For starters lets change the wording. Common implies something is equally and easily shared among a group. Common sense is anything but equal or easy. Common sense is more along the lines of native intelligence. It is the human intellect separated by the influences of race, culture and education. By this definition alone common sense would negate the use of any forms of media to gather information. We have collectively and electively given up our individuality for educating ourselves and put it in the hands of modern media. Taking it one step further, not only have we put our faith in modern media to be our teacher and our guide, we have stopped asking questions about the information being fed to us. We accept what we hear and read and do as we are told. But what if in doing this we are giving up something else too? If we were told the fatality rate on US highways was increasing due to the population rising and we were restricted or even banned from using our cars, would we give up that right so easily?
Since march 17 2020 human beings have had their lives turned forever upside down with the fear of death from a virus being the rational explanation as to why. Businesses shut down, people forced into their homes, churches and schools no longer open for their needed use. We turned to our only known source for answers, television and internet related information.
Has it not occurred to anyone that the media is only reporting death and complication due to this virus? Are there no pieces of good news? People who have recovered, people helping people, etc… The information is carefully orchestrated to keep us not only frightened but also TUNED IN. We must keep watching and reading to get the newest information so we know what our next move is. I have listened to many people over the last several months and there was a division in people long before there was a racial divide.
To wear or not to wear a mask. If you worry about your health and safety then stay in your home. Knowing that wearing a mask does not protect you should tell you something. Stay in your home if you fear infection and allow the virus to pass you by. Our local and state government telling us to wear a mask or we will be punished with fines has bigger ramifications than we realize. For one we are losing our identity and our sensitivity to others. It reminds us that everyone is a potential threat to our safety. There is the issue of the symbolic statement that our voices are being muffled and even silenced. We are also losing our right to choose.
Why are we giving up our rights to choose for ourselves and handing that over almost as if relieved to be doing so? I will not participate in this new way of living. I have listened to people in my life talk passionately about their disgust with the people who are not wearing masks. It is not my responsibility to take care of everyone else. We are each responsible for ourselves. Let me say that again. WE ARE EACH RESPONSIBLE FOR OURSELVES. If each person is willing to be responsible for his or herself then we have a much better chance of getting through this without such drastic measures as we have been through the last several months.
We are giving up our right to choose because choice requires responsibility and accountability. People seem all to eager to stay at home versus going to work. It seems so much ‘easier’ that way. Easy is not the way human beings were meant to survive or live. The more we strive for ease in our lives the faster we are running toward our graves. Adversity builds strength, friction promotes growth, effort yields reward. I’m embarrassed and worried for this country. Fear and laziness have become the new black and there is no way we will come out of this with any power, position, rank or title. We will be one step above cattle. So keep wearing your masks, keep looking to not have to work, keep looking to your government to take care of you. You will get exactly that for which you have asked.