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tides of change

as i mentioned in the last journal we are going to spend a bit more time covering the sacral energy center. we briefly covered the purpose of this energy center and what can happen if there is a lack of balance here. again, we are looking to 'let go' in this chakra. sometimes in life one of the hardest things we are asked to do is let go. letting go means we need to say goodbye to some part of our life but it also means change is imminent. if one or both of these things is a challenge for an individual, resistance can manifest. once resistance takes hold you could be looking at some imbalances.

to better understand why this may occur we can go back and look at our first chakra teachings and see if there is something there which would cause a fear of change. as we discovered in our teachings on the first chakra, fear is that demon. if we don't handle the imbalances of the first they can creep up... to all of the chakras.

let's take a look at some scenarios to better understand these two energies and how one can effect another. looking at the most common.... relationships. if you are in a relationship that is no longer serving you but you choose to stay, why? is it fear of hurting your mate, bringing pain on yourself, going it alone, meeting someone new? the reasons are secondary to the root issue which is fear. abandonment, rejection, isolation, to name a few, are common reasons we don't leave relationships that are not good for us and these are ALL issues that reside in the first chakra. so now that we are moving up the ladder i really want you to see how important it is that we recognize our feelings and understand why they exist so we can heal them and move forward in our lives.

the second chakra is healed in a twofold formula which is feeling and emotion. is there a difference between the 2? yes! think of feelings as things that are brought in through the senses; sight, sound, touch, taste, smell. believe it or not, these are how feelings are created. emotion on the other hand is more about what we do with feelings. looking more closely at the word emotion, the origin is latin. e- means out, mote or motion is to move so emoting or emotion means to move out. what would we be moving out? feelings. feelings are powerful and beautiful and painful and they can be addictive. feelings bring about the chemical responses in our bodies and our emotions turn them on. you starting to better understand what's happening here? if we can't harness our emotions to move out feelings that have come our way then we are going to get stuck in them and those chemical releases that happen will become almost like a pavlonian response ~ be them positive or negative feelings. this is how we stay hooked to certain types of people, certain types of employment, habits and behaviors and of course the ever popular.... self talk. we become addicted to the drugs our bodies produce and we get stuck so we need to master our feelings by moving them out with our emotions. WE NEED TO FEEL THE THINGS WE ARE AVOIDING TO HEAL THEM. i'll say it again, you need to feel it to heal it. keeping in mind this is the pleasure center. by our very nature we want to avoid pain so we either over or under do on the emotions to find what brings us our form of pleasure. and this is how we become excessive in seeking pleasure or deficient by numbing out pain. i realize this is not so easy in application. as with any 'drug' there is a detox period. you may feel anxiety, depression, nausea, terror, headaches, loneliness. there are a myriad of feelings that come and it is our job to move them out. even the 'good' ones. because guess what; holding on to even the good ones means there is less room for more and new good.

so start small and make a list of what some of your consistent emotions are. next, make a list of what emotions, if any, you don't allow yourself to express. now you take these 2 lists and start tying them to 'things' in people, places, jobs, habits and from there you will be able to start seeing more clearly where your stuck feelings are and draw on the appropriate emotion(s) to help move out the old energy. in some cases it can be quite helpful to elicit a trusted friend or family member and at times it may be necessary to bring a professional in to help you not only identity your feelings and emotions but also how to move them out in a healthy way and not revert back to old patterns because the pain is too great to bear.

conquer your fears and get yourself moving. it's time to let go, it's time to flow. you are not alone and you will be surprised when you start healing these areas of your life how new and amazing people will start to come in. law of attraction. as with any of our 'meetings' in here, this is generalized and extremely brief information, there are exceptions and i encourage you to ask questions and get further data when you decide to start addressing these things in your life.

if you have any questions please contact me any time

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