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Paradigm I : Strength

Prism Yoga's roots are deeply planted in strength and mobility.  A strong and active body promotes physical health and a healthy state of mind.  


Utilizing a trainer is a great choice for those seeking a weight and strength training element in their fitness regimen.  Even for those with an established regimen, a trainer can help ensure you push yourself to change and grow. Benefits of this 'push' manifest as:

•    Strengthen body and bones
•    Increase confidence 
•    Boost mentally clarity 
•    Improve self discipline 
•    Reinvent your look


Additional health and well-being effects include:

•    Better sleep
•    Relaxed state of mind
•    Increased energy
•    Lowered stress hormones, i.e., cortisol and adrenaline
•    Decreased physical pain and discomfort
•    Promotes a healthy heart

Purple Smoke


"Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it."


Paradigm II : Yoga

Prism Yoga® is a bespoke practice catering to individuals and groups based on personalized needs.  

People often ask, "what kind of yoga do you teach?" I don't subscribe to any singular practice as I feel it limits how I prefer to teach.  I tend to be more traditional. For me, yoga is not about having a "yoga butt" or getting in a good sweat. It's about YOGA, which means to unite or yolk.  It's about entering a yoga practice with the mindset of reuniting the disconnected body and mind.


The body is vastly intelligent when it comes to healing.  You will learn body psychology, body language, energy centers of the body, etc. These are subtle lessons that require a quiet and grounded practice to understand and respond.  As you move forward, you begin to see how these Prism Yoga paradigms unite and compliment each other.

Purple Smoke

B.K.S. Iyengar

"Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit.  When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distractions, the gates of the soul open."


Paradigm III : Meditation & Mindfulness

Prism Yoga® offers a practical application of meditation and mindfulness.  Some believe these two practices to be the same thing.  While complimentary, they are in fact different practices.


Meditation can be taught and implemented in many ways depending on personal choice. If you are looking to quiet and calm your mind, a mindful meditation practice may be the answer. If you're looking for clarity, visualization meditation would be a good place to start. There is even movement meditation for those who find being active a peaceful way to connect to the self.


Mindfulness is the practice of being "aware" in each moment. In simple terms, you will abandon multitasking and take on the "be here now" mindset.  Be aware of sensations, breath, movement—stay connected to yourself, apart from your thoughts. We are looking to retrain the mind from thinking of past and future to PRESENT. Once you begin this practice it may surprise you how much you are in the past or the future with your thoughts.


Plus, breath work—learn how to connect to your breath, how to breathe properly, and how to breathe as a grounding tool.

Purple Smoke

Thich Nhat Hanh

"Live the actual moment.  

Only this actual moment is life."


Paradigm IV : Herbalism

Prism Yoga® is the proud owner of D's Potions—an herbalist shop specializing in teas and tinctures ranging from acute to chronic issues, overall health, and beauty.


Herbalism is the use of plants in herbal remedies to enhance or heal just about anything.  From acne to weight control, the use of plants has been a part of our healing for as long as we've had them at our disposal. The key to using herbs is patience and consistency.

Purple Smoke

Thomas Edison

"The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease."

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